Systemic Coaching Training
Systemic coaching training with models from NLP, solution-oriented work, Systemic
Structure Constellation, System Dialogue, and hypnotherapy.
The best of NLP, Constellation Work, solution-oriented communication, and
This very special three-week training program offers a creative, experimental, and playful
intergration of diverse coaching methods. Experienced trainers and developers with their
creative wealth and sympathetic curiosity will help you become a systemic coach.
The content will include:
- creating the coaching relationship
- coaching as an integrative total system
- circle of alternatives
- systemic thinking and acting
- solution-oriented coaching
- language models in coaching
- systemic and circular questions
- neuro-linguistic methods in coaching
- from problem space to solution space
- recognizing and changing limiting patterns
- process-oriented coaching
- systemic proimprinting and reimprinting
- hypnotherapy in coaching
- systemic constellation work in coaching
- models of team coaching
- integration of solution-oriented work, NLP and constellation work