NLP originally stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. We have further developed the models from “Programming” into “Process Development”. This is a reformed approach that overcomes the limitations of the classic NLP by integrating different models.

NLP, as a model of human functioning, takes a very different attitude from some of the old psychologies. In NLP, we do not start from the assumption (and what an assumption it is!) that people are broken. No. Instead, we assume the opposite– that people work perfectly well, that they have all the resources that they need, and that the only problem isn’t with them, but with their programming.

The Sources

If that sounds familiar and similar to other fields, it is. NLP is a branch of the Cognitive Sciences and Cognitive Behavioral Psychology. It grew out of General Semantics (Korzybski), Transformational Grammar (Noam Chomsky), Anthropology and Cybernetics (Bateson), Reframing (Watzalawick, et al.), Family Systems (Virginia Satir), Gestalt Therapy (Perls), Medical hypnosis (Milton Erickson), and several related studies. This is most of the respectable body of knowledge from which NLP arose.

With the collaboration:

Dr. Michael Hall, Ph.D.